Who Are We
And What We Stand For.

As part of VSING Malaysia family, we strive to provide everyone with the opportunity to be on the stage and perform their talents to the public. We hope that one day, VSING will be covering in every corner of the world, to become a stage for everyone and to inspire the world.


Vincent Teoh

CEO & Founder of VSING

Founded In 2019

VSING Malaysia’s vision is to become the global governance institutions of the vocal movement. VSING is currently headquartered in Malaysia, and actively expanding the business across Asia Region.

VSING provides the highest standard of the vocal movement facilities, to ensure that there will be proper talent enhancement and development in their career roadmap.

关于 V Sing Malaysia

VSING takes the lead in organizing tournaments and leagues, promoting the development of vocal movement, allowing the vocal athletes to compete with each other, creating an interesting and exciting match, and draws the public attention.

Our Vision

Become a stage that inspires the world

Our Mission

To build the greatest standard of social entertainment system